I'm a little late in posting this. In fact, I'm sorry with the lack of updates...I should have posted this long time ago since the Program begins today. But the good news is the program stretches till August, 2008. So, you can sign up for the program...it's free, I mean the sign up :)
Under the auspices of different Rinpoches, the week long teachings will be conducted at basic, intermediary and advanced levels. The growing quest for spiritual fulfilment and the interest in Buddhism are the answer to this search, the course content has been designed to match the needs of all those seeking such conscious evolution.
The perpetual, blue, winter skies over the snow capped peaks, coupled with the peaceful atmosphere and flourishing Buddhist culture of Bhutan, will surely enhance the great opportunity that this spiritual program will bring to the participants.
The chance to sponsor such a programme will not only enrich one’s own life but also meaningfully touch the lives of others. The organisers truly hope that this retreat will bring benefit to all sentient beings.
For more information, click -> Bhutan Buddhist Retreat
May Peace Prevail on Earth!
Tashi Delek!